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Game Shooting

Southern Scotland is the perfect location for pheasant, partridge and Grouse shooting, with countless quality estates to choose from providing excellent sport amidst mixed landscapes from strategically placed game crops to dramatic oak woodlands, stunning moorland and thrilling conifer plantations.

Traditional Driven days with a daily bag (limit) of 150 - 300 birds for eight or nine guns (Hunters) are available including pheasant, partridge and Grouse.

Over the last 30 years Case Sport has established close relationships with many private estates providing high quality driven and walked up shooting and Accommodation is available in traditional village inns to luxurious 5 star hotels.


Open shooting season:

Grouse: 12 August – 10 December

Partridges: 1 September – 1 February

Pheasant: 1 October – 1 February


We pride ourselves in providing bespoke packages with a very personal service and would be delighted as always to discuss individual requirements.


for more information and availability please: Contact us


Driven Pheasant Shooting Scotland
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